Grid Export Actions

by Haulmont


The Jmix Grid Export add-on equips your application with actions to export content from data grid components into multiple file formats.

Use Cases

  • Data analysis and reporting: users can export data from data grids for further analysis or reporting in formats like XLS, XLSX, or JSON.
  • Data backup: facilitate easy data backup from grid components, allowing users to save and archive essential information.
  • Data sharing: exported data can be shared across different applications and users, enhancing interoperability and data exchange.

Key Features

  • UI integration: Embed export functionality directly into the application UI in a few clicks, allowing users to export data during their workflow.
  • Multiple export formats: support for exporting data in XLS, XLSX, and JSON formats, catering to diverse external application compatibility.
  • Versatile component support: compatible with DataGrid and TreeDataGrid components for broad application utility.
  • Flexible export options include various export modes such as all rows, current page, or selected rows to control the scope of data exported.
  • Integrated export security: use built-in security integration to define who can perform exports, ensuring controlled access to data extraction functionalities.

Install the Grid Export add-on for a straightforward way to export, analyze, and share grid-based data.