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    Fast Track from Kick-Off to Production With CUBA Platform and Jelastic

    As you may know, CUBA Platform is all about fast web enterprise applications development - achieving this via a combination of pre-built features, extensive scaffolding and visual UI design. However, development is only one part of the project lifecycle, so the platform team took one step further and provided developers with a fully scalable automatic deployment feature.

    Since release 2.1, CUBA Studio is seamlessly integrated with the Jelastic cloud - a multi-cloud PaaS orchestration tool. Jelastic acts as a universal platform abstracting your team from dealing with the specifics of different hosting service providers. This gives you the power to deploy and migrate applications with zero hassle to any of the connected providers worldwide, without building bridges into proprietary APIs. Another unique feature of Jelastic is automatic scaling of resources (cloudlets) your application uses - so you pay only for what you actually use.

    To get started you can activate Jelastic account from our website or straight from CUBA Studio with a participating service provider of your choice. After you set up a few parameters in the Studio's Cloud deployment settings page, you're done. Now, invoking Run > Deploy to cloud menu item will build the WAR file and deploy it to the cloud in one click. Java, Tomcat, PostgreSQL or HSQL will already be there. As simple as that!

    Jelastic hosting partners offer CUBA Platform community extended free trial period with more powerful environment - juicy enough to ensure good performance when presenting your prototypes to end-users or your colleagues.

    As a summary, this combination of CUBA Platform with Jelastic cloud makes it dead easy to start and test your ideas. Download Studio, knock up a prototype, deploy to the cloud and get feedback - all in a matter of days, if not hours. And without thinking of hardware or accessibility.

    But even when your application is ready to go to production, it still makes good sense to stay with Jelastic. Their cloud service provider community are no amateurs in what they do, offering much more than just bare metal hardware. As an example, MIRhosting offers automatic real time synchronization of container hosted data between at least three distributed locations using software defined storage technology. Should the main container go down, its replica is automatically started on a different node, providing highest level of failover with absolutely no effort from your side. Meanwhile, Layershift offers full SSD powered hardware and a very comprehensive SLA covering all aspects of their service from backups to award winning technical support - all included free.

    Jmix is an open-source platform for building enterprise applications in Java