A Government Billing System from Scratch by Card Access Services
A state-scale system from scratch in 1 year
The whole country’s payment system digitalized
Significat state financial losses reduction
The Story
At the beginning of 2019, the Card Access Services (CAS) team started working on a project for the Brunei government. The customer had no clear idea of the final product, so the team started to work without formal functional requirements. The only thing the CAS team knew for sure was that the system should perform plenty of operations beyond the payments processing, and the web interface must be very user-friendly, so that everyone in Brunei could easily work with it.
So, the CAS team was searching for a framework that provided out-of-the-box features for building full-scale informational systems with in-built security and tools for the UI design. Jmix (back then known as CUBA) turned out to be a perfect fit for the project.
Jmix features helped to adapt the development to the constantly changing requirements and saved a huge amount of time. The project was launched in February 2020. It was a real break-through for the Brunei government: electronic payments were never used before. That way, CAS converted the whole country’s payment system into electronic form, making it possible to pay for electricity, water, registration, license, art gallery tickets and many other things online.
The delivered product not only made payments easier for the citizens, but also helped to reduce financial losses and avoid the necessity of huge debt recovery efforts.